Approach and Process


We serve people and principle.

Not just because it’s the smart thing to do, but because it’s the right thing to do.

  • When we accept a case, our first priority is to understand our client and our client’s objectives. That way, rather than deploying a typical “one-size-fits-all” approach, we assess the case informed by our client’s goals. With this upfront investment, we’re able to determine the most effective way forward, ultimately saving our client valuable time and resources and increasing our chances of success.

  • Intentional in our work, we develop a case-specific plan following our initial assessment. We focus on what is needed to win: the facts to develop and the legal arguments to advance. By starting with this thoughtful and strategic plan, we are able to take deliberate steps forward without wasting resources, engaging in needless fights, or going down dead ends. Of course, we maintain flexibility and refine the plan when the case landscape changes. And, we make a point to continuously communicate with our clients, keeping them informed along the way, which helps mitigate unnecessary anxiety.

  • We get better results when we work together. That’s why when a client hires one Summa attorney, they get the Summa team. We challenge each other’s theories, testing—and strengthening—our arguments. We look at the case close up, from far away, and at all angles in between. With these different perspectives, we know the case inside and out. This level of mastery through teamwork is the key to our success.